Tuesday, September 05, 2006

bloody hell...

the whole family was in the living room. my dad had switched the fan off coz he had gottem back from his job not too logn ago.

then my dad got up and left the living room. i thought he wouldn't be coming back and so i asked my brother to switch the fan on

then my dad did come back and he asked my brother if the fan speed had been set to '3', the highest speed. my dad wanted my brother to lower the speed.

so i said, "oh nevermind it's ok, can switch the fan off," coz i figured, no big deal mah... if my dad is gonna stay in the living room again, then just switch it off lor.

and my dad shouts at me and goes, " oh hush now, leave it! i said keep it on already right?!?!!"

i mean, he actually shouted, like, damn loudly at me lah! and it's not like i had done something wrong... i was actually telling my brother to do something which would make my dad feel more comfortable and he bloody tells me to shut up????

so i just kept quiet, sat in the corner to finish reading the papers, and when a suitable amount of time had lapsed, i left.

and now i've locked myself in my bedroom.

urgh... i am soooo pissed!

like, what the fuck did i do wrong???

the whole family is like.... urgh!

this is why i stay til like 8-plus in the office for the past few nights, working at the computer... partly coz i enjoy my work... but also coz i dun wanna spend too much time at home. and i dread weekends...

so pathetic...


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