Friday, September 29, 2006


I swear I will never eat meat again...

... til the next meat feast, that is.

Because in my dad's eyes, I'm forever going to be his little girl, and because I'll be in a foreign country I've never been to before for an entire week, he decided that he had to take me out for dinner. Not just a massive buffet of hawker food (you know, when you order from so many stalls til your table's overflowing, and then you try all the diff dishes), but a proper foodie place. We dun normally do the expensive meals bit, save for the occasional family treat and special occasions, so it was quite a big deal.

So this evening, he brough my mum and i out for a Brazilian Churrasco.

WHAT?????? I only just had that like 2-3 weeks ago!!!! There's only so much meat a girl can take, you know.

That last sentence sounds kinda wrong, but being me, I'm going to leave it right there.


Since dad's paying, then go lor... besides, I have never been to the one at Big Splash.

It's quite a nice place... the food spread's a little different from the one at Chijmes, and the focus is a little different (the east coast one seems to take local tastes into greater consideration), so it's quite hard for me to compare.

But err... ya, I dun think I can do meat anymore...

If you're keen to check the food out, go to their website:
I understand that they're moving out of Big Splash to some place along east coast rd, so you might wanna check the site for details first before visiting it.

Erm..I ONLY eat meat lor...
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