Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My eyes hurt. A lot.

Last night, for some weird reason, there was suddenly a dust cloud sweeping into the house. And I start sneezing and sneezing and sneezing… my nose got all runny, and my eyes turned red.

And of course, I just had to rub and rub and rub my eyes… which made things worse.

By the time I settled into bed, my nose was sore, and my eyes were all red and swollen… puffing like a goldfish.

This morning, I looked like shit… like real shit. I’ve never had something like this last for so long, but ya, my eyes were still swollen and red, and this time, I had terrible eye bags.

Must have used a ton of concealer to cover up.

Why am I telling you this? Well, coz my eyes still hurt and I’m too stoned to write about something vaguely intelligent.

Got a packed schedule this week… something on tml night, and maybe thurs night… and then a party on sat. And between all that, there’s work, and all the preparations for my trip to Europe next week.

And cos my period just ended, and God knows how bloated I can get during that week, my tummy’s still feeling really huge, which means I feel fat and so unsexy. And coz being sexy is really all about being confident… I’ve to somehow get my self-esteem up by tomorrow night for that event.

And I’ve nothing to wear! (haha… I’m only saying that coz I wanna go shopping)

Anyway… I’ve been feeling quite Asian these past few days… I mean, I am Asian, but I’ve always been more proud of my peranakan blood than my Chinese blood coz I love peranakan food, clothing, display stuff etc, new people I meet generally think I’m Malay (my name’s misleading), and my Chinese sucks.

But these past few days, I’ve been feeling my Chinese roots more. Don’t get me wrong, I am proud of my Chinese roots, and I’m probably one of the few in my generation who believes that traditions should be followed as much as possible (how many of you buy tomatoes to put at home during CNY coz some old guy said it brings good luck and actually, you don’t believe in good luck, but you do it anyway coz it’s tradition)

I think it has to do with the anti-Chinese protests happening now during the torch relay… some people in the West don’t seem to be able to differentiate government from people, and also tend to just lump all slit-eyed people together. So uncool.

I’m not even going to go into the whole debate about whether the Tibetans have it bad, freedom, etc… but I must say that I do disagree with violent acts committed by people whose religion teaches them love and peace, in the name of nationalism/race/religion etc. How different is that from the terrorists who commit evil in the name of Islam, another peace-loving religion?

That said, I dun see a real solution in sight… or rather, I can’t be bothered to think about it too much… I rather use the time to rest.

Ya… lots of rest.

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