Thursday, May 25, 2006


To believe or not to believe, that is the question.

Went to watch 'Da Vinci' just now... my mum had advised (when parents say 'advise', they normally mean it's a command) me not to watch it, so she'll probably kill me if she finds out. I'm from a Christian family, you see.

But I am pretty open-minded to hearing about other religious theories etc... it's a matter of, 'I'll respect your opinions and beliefs if you'll respect mine'. Everyone is entitled to believe in whatever they want.

If you're talking about it as just simply a movie, then it's a pretty good one. Was quite long, about 2 1/2 hours, but enjoyable... something I wouldn't mind watching again.

If you wanna discuss the theories brought up, about the Holy Grail, the Priory of Sion etc... well, I dun really know what to say, really.

I mean, it's all interesting stuff and of course, something which could be true... every theory is a possibility til there is evidence beyond any reasonable doubt that it is not. And the Holy Grail theory really goes back to one single thing: were Jesus Christ and Mary sexually intimate?

Dan Brown will take out the Goseph of Mary, and Philip and whatever ancient book that indicates something to the effect of 'Jesus and Mary were married'.
And anyone who doesn't believ the Holy Grail theory will take out the Bible and say, 'Nope! Not true!'. And everyone will debate over it til the cows come home and yet, there'll still be no answer. It happened centuries ago.

So then it becomes a case of, 'what do you choose to believe? which evidence will you acknowledge, and which will you dismiss as untruths?'

Those who choose to believe the Holy Grail theory will dismiss the Bible and accuse the Vatican of fabricating the books in it and etc, while holding on to, for example, the Goseph of Mary.

Those who choose to believe that Jesus is the Son of God and all that is in the Bible, will dismiss all the other Gosephs.

So if you cannot even agree on the set of ancient documents and the historical stories to test the theory on, then you cannot do anything.

I choose to believe the Bible. So hence I do not believe in 'Sang Real'. You can debate with me all day and night and thrust various pieces of evidence into my face, but I still will not believe it. That is because I have chosen my faith and I have chosen to believe in the Book and its stories on Jesus.

That doesn't mean I will mock someone who chooses to believe in the Holy Grail... that person also made a choice of belief, nevermind that it's a different belief from mine. We'll never be able to agree on whether the Holy Grail is real or not coz we have chosen to believe in different things, so why even bother arguing over it?

I respect you, and you respect me and my choices.

I only wish that all the people out there kicking a big fuss over the movie would understand that. Of course the whole movie, the theory, threatens the very basic foundation of Christianity and Catholicism... but then again, doesn't every other religion out there do that too? So what can you do? Wage a war against all other religions and belief systems that are different from yours? That's plain silliness!

Let's all be adults here.


He's going to lend me 'The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail' next week... I think that's the title... it's the original book Dan Brown stole his ideas from....

I'm sure it'll be a really interesting read... I've always enjoyed reading various versions of Christian church history.... just for the knowledge, where you read it and then go, "oohhh... so there's such a theory ah!"

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