Sunday, November 19, 2006


Cleaning out the old

i started with my packing today... tackled my old notes, books etc.

it was something i didn't really want to do, but had to get done anyway. i finally decided to take most of my uni notes with me... mainly the PS stuff, and some other philo and business management thingy. i figured i might just need to refer to my business management notes in the future... and i kept PS notes on SEA, SG politics, international conflict etc... my rationale being that matters relating to politics in the region is something i will never be able to escape from, seeing how everything is linked to politics here... so if i write an article in the future about some market stats, i have my notes in ASEAN regional trade agreement, for example, to refer to should i need it. the philo notes... well... i like philo... might just do that for my Masters if i decide to throw reason out the window and go with my heart

of course i might just never look at the notes again... but err... i was also reluctant to throw them away, especially when i looked through them and admired my notes. i may have slacked a lot in uni, but when exam period approached, i would sit down and write pages and pages of notes, using various coloured pens for variety, to highlight certain bits, and well, just make my notes look more pretty so i wouldn't get too depressed when i have to study them.

i did throw my secondary triple science textbooks though... i sat on the floor for ages, staring at the books, trying to decide - to keep or not to keep? i'm especially proud of my bio textbook... all those notes, with flaps of paper inserted here and there with additional information. in the end, i got realistic and practical and threw them out. chances of me reading them again are very slim. also took me ages to decide on my a-level geo and lit notes.. but i'm throwing them out. so much heartache... but i figure.. sometimes, you just have to let go of the past and move on. still, i almost cried when i set my geo and lit notes aside... so drama-mama right? lol. but they are two of my most favourite subjects... and those geo notes i put together got me an A. sob sob..

oh well..

this week the paper... next week the clothes... hopefully i'll also be in a 'throwing things away' mood... coz when you're in such a mood, it's easier to just go, "oh throw, throw throw!'. otherwise you'll just end up sitting there, thinking for ages, throw or not ah?

now wouldn't it be good if you could do that with bad memories from the past?

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