Saturday, March 03, 2007


Superwoman does NOT exist

Someone please tell me why we need to have committees and research and surveys done on the whole 'women and babies' topic when the answers are really oh-so-simple.

Just think - generally, companies in Singapore discriminate against pregnant employees (so many sacking cases), they're not open to the idea of flexi-work hours or work-from-home, and women are still paid lesser than men (and to think males lament how NS sets them back 2 years in thw corporate world when they'll still earn more/get promoted faster at the end of the day).

My main reluctance about having a kid is resultant from the fear that I will not be able to spend enough quality time with him, nor have finances adequate and stable enough for me to give him the best stuff (face it, we'll all want the best for our kids).

What's the point of having a kid when you're not going to be there to watch him take his first steps?

Which parent won't want to beable to buy the best milk formula for their kid?

So.... why have the damn kid? Just so that I can get child relief?

It's sad that one of the first solutions proposed by any person in government when the issue is raised is to give out more money.

Yes, money is good... we could all do with that financial help.... but it's like, the government dangling an expensive carrot before us. My womb's not for sale.... the whole concept can be liken to the government paying us to have babies... how wrong is that????

Stop talking about money... stop churning out those posters of happy families - we get that families are nice, warm and fuzzy *roll eyes*

Start working on the real solutions needed to boost our population:
- get rid of the fear that we women could lose our jobs just by being pregnant,
- give us more maternity leave,
- change companies' mindsets about flexi-hours and work-from-home and other related schemes
- start schemes/programs that'll make it easier for fathers to take care of their baby too (mum's not the only one bringing up junior, you know)
- encourage childcare centers to open earlier, close later
- provide funding for IVF; some do want children, but they just need medical help.

so there!

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