Sunday, February 11, 2007


I was very brave today...

I did a very courageous thing today.

I went shopping with my mum in Orchard... exactly one week before CNY.

The crowds, omigosh, the crowds... I hate elbowing people in shopping centres, trying to get my hands on a top I spotted before that auntie to my left gets it. I hate long quenes to the fitting rooms, at the cashier. I hate modern techno spins of CNY songs blasting away.

What to do? I needed clothes.

The rewards were not bad though... the weekend shopping have now given me two pairs of lovely lovely shoes, a pair of jeans that go down to mid-calf, and a beautiful brown lacy top.

It's just sad that I couldn't find shorts, or rather, nice shorts my size.

What's up with clothes manufacturers and retailers? You think fat people shouldn't be wearing shorts to expose their flabby thighs? Or perhaps, if fat people really do need shorts, then they should don the ugliest ones alive as punishment for being fat?

I like grossing people out with the sight of stretchmarks on my thighs, so there! Give me a nice pair of demin shorts, damn it!

Sigh... and so, the search continues.

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