Monday, September 19, 2005


I'm that girl

I'm the one who wears many masks.

I'm the girl who believes in love, yet is cynical of it. I'm the girl who fell in love with you, knowing you'll break my heart, but I went ahead and loved you anyway. I'm the girl who waited patiently for you for three whole years, and now, only exchange the ocassional 'hello' with you.

I'm the girl who boasted to you about how I've never turned away from a horror movie but covers my eyes during a scary ghost scene anyway. I'm the girl who hates the color pink, but adores the shade of the night, black. I'm the one who agreed with you that the pink lacy dress is the most fantastic piece ever.

I'm the girl who cried herself to sleep so many lonely nights. I'm the girl who believed herself to be all alone in this world. I'm the one who sat in the bathroom, a razor in one hand, and blood flowing from the other wrist. I'm the girl who stood at the top of a hdb flat once, and looked down, wondering what it'll be like to fly away from this world. I'm the girl you got drunk with.

I'm the one who hugged you and told you that everything's gonna be alright. I'm the girl who advised you to always press on. I'm the girl who wallowed in depression.

I'm the girl who stood tall and proud as I hosted our graduation dinner. I'm the girl whose hand you held as you looked into my eyes, and told me just how beautiful I am.

I'm the girl with a dozen Tom Clancy novels. I'm the girl who announced you as the beauty pagneant queen.

I'm the one who borrowed your physics textbook on the pretence of forgetting to bring mine so I could hug it and breathe in your scent. I'm the one whose heart you broke, again and again and again.

I'm the girl who thinks the best breakfast is two half-boiled eggs, kaya toast, and a cup of kopi-o. I'm the girl who blew a hole in her wallet because she wanted to pig out with you over sashimi.

I'm the girl who thought that as long as you gave men sex, you'll get their love. I'm the girl who realised life is not a bed of roses. I'm the girl you bumped into outside the women's clinic. I'm the one the government tells you is paying for her silly mistakes with an abortion.

I'm the one you saw looking with longing at the little cutesy clothes in the baby department. I'm the one you walked by, without so much as a glance.

I'm the girl who wonders if she'll ever hear the words 'I love you' spoken to her with sincerity. I'm the girl you have a hundred-dollar bet with, over who'll marry last; your money is mine. I'm the girl who squeezed with you on the seat of the double-decked bus, enjoying the feel of your arm against mine, for the entire trip from one end of the country to the other end.

I'm the girl you saw shaking her bum up on the bar-top. I'm the girl you exchanged a smile with. I'm the girl whose hand you held as we walked into the seedy bangkok club. I'm the one who rushed to buy Taufik's cd once it was released.

Yeah, I am that girl. Who are you?


I was so inspired by this thing created by mercermachine.... you can do it too...

Thanks mate, for coming up with something this theraputic.

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