Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Oh, how fragile life can be...

We (the family) have been visiting my aunt every week... and it's been very painful... after every visit, i walk away feeling old and tired... like a weary warrior walking away from the battlefield, limping with injuries.

She's been sick... and every time we visit her, it's to see her in a worse state from the previous week. and it's scary, to see how she can get sicker so quickly. She could be talking normally etc... and then when we visit the next Sunday, she cannot speak anymore... you can see her mouth moving, but her voice's barely a whisper.

And i remember when she was ok... so full of life... she'll always be cooking for us... and she was such a good cook.

My aunt had had a tough life... and it was only in recent years that she's been happier. So it just seems so unfair, that now, when she can really be happy, this has to happen to her. and i feel really helpless, seeing her slip away, week after week.

it's worse when... every weekday... u wake up and wonder if it's the day you're going to get THE call...

i dun like that.. dun like it at all.

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