Friday, June 03, 2005


The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Good:

1) I passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know it sounds damn pathetic. Like, instead of going "I got an A!", I'm instead just rejoicing over the mere fact that I've made it through my tertiary education. But hey, when you're me, it is cause for celebration.

Firstly, I can be quite a bum. Yes, I know I can do very well if i bother to put in more effort, but geez, no mood lah!
And I took 7 modules, ok! SEVEN. No one in their right mind would do something like that!

Wait a min, did I just insult myself?

Erm *clears throat*

And out of the 7 modules, I got one D, and the rest were ALL Bs.... that actually makes it my best semester ever!

I am looking forward to the Indonesia study field trip... I hope I get an A for that module. After that, it's job-searching time, but that's another story altogether.

2) He bought me a digital camera today.

*big wide smile*

I'm going to fiddle around with it, and hopefully I'll be able to figure out how to use it, and post photos up in this blog!

The Bad:

Erm, remember how I said yesterday that I'll go to the gym and all that jazz?

Well, when I woke up this morning, the weather was sooo nice... it was all cool and windy, you know, like, how the weather is just before it rains? Yeah, it was that wonderful

So I went back to bed.

I know I know I know... I was a total pig.

This time, for certain, I WILL go to the gym tomorrow! I definitely will!

Artifical voice in background:
Will the SGFairy go to the gym tomorrow morning? Will she find the courage and strength in her to drag herself out of bed for a bout of torture, I mean, exercise? Or will she end up slacking as usual? Stay tuned for more in the 'Days of Her Weight Loss Attempts'!

The Ugly:

In today's Today, there was a small little article titled 'Bad press causing decline in S'porean visitors: Johor officials'.

I'm having trouble putting the link... but I think, having stated where I got the article from, I should be able to cut n paste some portions. For the full story, just go and look for it.

Basically, what happened was that the Johor Tourism and Environment Committee chairman, Mr. Freddie Long (see, I call him 'mister' leh, so polite!) blamed our local media for the decreased number of S'poreans going into Johor. The drop in figures was quite jialat actually...

Statistics from the Johor Tourism Action Council showed that the number of Singaporeans entering the country dropped from 10.8 million in 2003 to 9.8 million last year.

Ya, that bad.

And whose fault was it? Well, according to Mr. Freddie Long, our local media had played up criminal statistics and crimes in the state, scaring the wimpy kiasu n kiasee S'poreans off to Batam instead. You know, those reports of beatings lah, robbery lah, missing cars lah, shootings lah... the local media had made Johor out to be some crime haven, an act totally unneighborly and insensitive.

Our dear Mr. Freddie Long said:
"Their media, both print and electronic, seem to have a particular liking for crime stories in Johor. They have an agenda on their mind, though we are not exactly sure what it is."
.He added: "However, what is clear is the drastic drop in the number of their citizens visiting our country. We hope the republic's media will be more sensitive when reporting on criminal statistics and crimes in Johor..."

An agenda on their mind????

What the f*** you talking about?

In the first place, even if our local media didn't report it, we'll still have relatives who will relate horror stories of how the second cousin of the uncle of the sister of the wife of the boss of their friend was shot at while he was enjoying bak kut tek, and even though the bullet missed him and he was able to continue with his meal, he had found his car missing from his parking lot after all that food.
What's Mr. Freddie Long going to say next? That S'poreans should never talk about Johor to each other?

Oh, btw, did you hear about the one about the guy who got his finger chopped off so robbers could drive away with his car?

I think our media has always been rather fair about Johor crime stories. And I think it's only right that they report on the incidents which happened to S'poreans in Johor; that's their job. If a S'porean gets into royal shit, even if it happened across the Causeway, it should still be reported. Nothing wrong about that. If the crime rate in Johor has increased, then the SG media should report it to keep S'poreans informed. In fact, if the local media purposedly kept it from us, that wouldn't have been acting in the interests of the people... if they do that, they should be sacked! The local media has the duty to inform S'poreans to please be safe and not show-off by driving your expensive Mercs into Johor and invite trouble.

And come on lah... you got tourism problems, and you blame outsiders for it. It is such a known fact that Johor isn't as safe as it used to be. But instead of tackling that crime problem, to make your state safer for both locals and tourists alike, you instead decide to sit back, shake leg, and cry foul to SG.

It's so sian you know... whenever they got problem only, they blame SG.

It's your problem if you are not able to keep crime off the streets of Johor. Don't expect our local media to totally blank out crime news of Johor just so your visitor figures will rise to make you look good in front of your superiors, at the expense of many ignorant arrogant S'poreans going in to get robbed/killed.

Bear in mind, I do like Johor. But the fact is that Johor is not that safe anymore. And S'poreans should be kept informed because (1) the local media should report on everything, and (2) so S'poreans can go into Johor aware that they have to be careful about their behavior so as not to attract crime, to keep safe.
And I do not think our local media 'plays up' Johor criminal news.. they've always been rather sensitive about it. So geez, what agenda?

That's the ugly side of bilateral relations for you.

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