Thursday, January 19, 2006


Knock, knock!

Ya okay, so it has been a long while. But I have been really busy. I'm now handling 4 bloody searches... :P

I just wanted to drop in, in case there are people out there wondering if I am still alive or not. Yes, good (or bad, depending on how you feel about me) news, I am still well and kicking.
Still the same Sgfairy... except... oh, I dyed my hair! Was supposed to be purple, but now the colour is changing, a bit of a reddish tint to it. I've never had any red sahes, always brown.. so it's kinda weird, but interesting. I'll wait til the weekend - by then the color should have settled, and then I'm thinking of doing some very simple brown highlights...

I promise I'll blog this weekend, ok?

I do miss SgFairy quite a bit...

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