Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I am a Singaporean

Since Mr Brown and Mr Miyagi started the 'I am a Singaporean' thingy in early July, I've been spending a lot of time thinking about it. I had more or less decided that i would do it, just wasn't sure if it'll be a audio recording or a written thing - since I do not have the recording facilities, I'm going to write it down.

Now, finally, I am sitting before my laptop, fingers poised, ready to 'type out' my heart... Kinda appropriate that I'm doing this on National Day... I'm not doing this coz it's the latest blogging trend... I'm doing this because I am a Singaporean.


I am a 23 (almost!) year old female who is not a Hainanese Chinese or a Peranakan, but a Singaporean Peranakan-Chinese rojak mix.

I am a political science grad who, I admit, enjoys the wide-eyed looks from people when I tell them what my uni major was... I am always amused that they think of me as an extremely brave (or stupid) individual because "do politics, wait kena sued or ma-ta come catch you in middle of night ah!"

I enjoy my food very much. I also enjoy being able to form a foul sentence with words from at least 3 different languages for more effective cursing... I was brought up to believe that I have to be the best in everything in order to survive, you see.

I do worry a lot about the future. As the eldest child in my family, I wonder if I'll be able to support my parents in their old age. What about my younger brother, with a couple more years of schooling to go? I worry I will not be able to take care of my family, and sometimes I get so frustrated by all these thoughts, I just wanna cry.

I do not care much for the sickeningly-sweet family promotion campaigns or SDU flyers... I think I can decide for myself the sort of life I want, without official guidance. And I'll most probably never marry, and will either adopt or fuck without protection to have my own baby later on in my life.

I am always pushing my parents to hang up our national flag during this period because, it is a lovely flag, no? Whenever it comes to the part when everyone recites the pledge and sings 'Majulah Singapura' during the NDP, I always, always get teary-eyed. I am proud of my country and how we have grown so much.

And yes, I have great respect for MM Lee because that genius got Singapore on its feet and the world to notice her. I also love SM Goh because he bothered to listen to the people. The jury is still out on PM Lee though.

I am glad that we have 'progress for our nation' though I wonder why our paychecks are not progressing as much too? I think it is nice to hear people refer to us as the 'small island business success story', though I hope one day they'll also call us the 'Asia Pacific Arts hub'... I can dream, can't it?

I do like the western concept of democracy, but I do not think we can just 'rubber-stamp' it onto Asian countries. That said, I do wish we could lighten up a little more on the freedom of expression and censorship thingy.

I am ashamed that we have to be instructed to smile and be polite and friendly when the world visits us next month. I am unsure whether I should be upset that the government doesn't trust us to be hospitable on our own, or that they're going out all to suck up to the yang ren.

I do believe that Sitoh should repair the lights in Potong Pasir coz he's the one who put them up to seduce the residents there. I believe that public money should be used to better the lives of everyone who paid their taxes and contributed to the funds, not just go into lift upgrading for those who chose Zeus's lighting bolt.

I disagree with the way the government handles many things and yes, I've done my fair share of grumblings. But if Singapore was at war, I'll stay and defend this country... because it is us, the people, my family and friends, not the government, that makes up this country. This is my home, my motherland... this IS where I belong. And I get very upset when I see how a large proportion of my fellow young Singaporeans simply cannot be bothered.

I do like to travel. I have been mistaken for a Thai, Indonesian, Philippines, and Vietnamese.. for some strange reason, people do not tend to immediately think of me as a Singaporean. I envy the carefree atmosphere some neighbouring countries have. I wish we could also have buskers roaming our streets, coloring up the environment.

Still, this small, uptight island is where I was born, and the place I will die in... The country that frustrates me some times; the country I love all the time.

I may be SgFairy the anonymous blogger, but don't you care think for one moment, that I am just some irresponsible bugger.

Whoever I may be, I am still a citizen of this country, of this Asian Democracy... and hence, my voice does count.

Yes, I am a Singaporean.

So say we all.

So say we all.

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