Monday, June 09, 2008

It's been an action-packed past two weeks... in fact, I think that's quite the understatement.

Did you know that by having lots of sex, one's complexion can improve? This works for females especially.

I'm happy to report that my complexion does seem much better now, lol. I think sex's a cheaper and definitely more enjoyable alternative to all those facial creams, toners and masks.

Parents will be back this week... once again, I countdown to their return with mixed feelings... it's good to have them around, but at the same time, oh the freedom!

Got a lot on my mind, some good, a lot bad... I don't like being in this state of constant worry; it makes me feel old beyond my years, and that's saying a lot coz I am quite the young thing *clears throat*

I don't really have anything to post... well actually I do, but I'm not in the mood to be Miss-fucking-tons-of-depth.

I just want to escape, you know.. run free.. sorta like the 'Born Free' song...

I'm going to get drunk sometime early july... bunch of old friends gathering for a chalet, and they've already told everyone who's travelling to buy DFS, as much as possible... lol. It's amazing... back in school, if someone had told me that this bunch would be an alcohol-guzzling group, I wouldn't have believed it. I would have been even more amazed if I was told that I would plan to get drunk with them sometime in the future.

Shows you just how life can be so unpredictable...

I miss Him..

I'm rambling...

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