Saturday, August 16, 2008

Conversation between two Singaporeans:

Person A:
"You damn one kind leh! People got to produce medal for you first then you say that actually hor, you like China Singaporeans a lot! No more call them 'China-people' liao hor? That's seriously damn one kind and fake lah!"

Person B:
"What to do? I'm a true-blood Singaporean what! So am like that lor, very practical one!"

Now, guess.. which individual was I? A or B? Lol...

It's one of those things you approach with mixed feelings. You remember how your grandfather (and that's not too many generations ago) came from China to Singapore... how Singapore is really in essence a migrant country. And so you think, you should be more welcoming towards the planefuls of guests we are receiving these days. That the 'foreign talent' we have are really, what your grandparents were all those years ago.

So I am proud of the table tennis ladies...

At the same time though, I can't help wishing that it was a 'true' Singaporean that got us the medal. I'm sorry I just cannot help it.

But I promise to try my very best to think only good thoughts of them... not just the sports people, but all those I encounter every day.

But really ah, come to think of it... it's really just the China people I have more difficulty accepting... Strange hor?

I'm sorry, I don't believe in buying athletes from overseas and sending them to the Games for the medals, because winning medals is not all there is about the Olympic spirit.

What we gonna do next, buy Michael Phelps, or the US basketball team, or the Mongolian judoka etc?

I'll be proud if and only when a Singapore-born athlete stands on the podium.

You can quote me on that, and I don't give a shit what other people think of my view.
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