Monday, June 06, 2005


I finally did IT!

Those of you out there who have been betting on me not going to the gym...


Yes, I did go to the gym, for an entire hour.

You want proof?

I've an aching body to submit as evidence.

I didn't go on friday morning as planned... coz, err, well, I just didn't.

But I woke up early at 10a.m. on Saturday morning to go leh! That just shows how determined I am to get back in shape... I sacrificed precious sleeping time on a weekend to go torture myself.

Actually I was surprised how easy it was for me. I used this machine... hmm, I don't know the technical name for it, but it's the one where you step onto these err, steps, and you have these pole-thingies to hold onto. So as you exercise, you're kinda like climbing steps, and pushing/pulling the poles... it's a full-body workout man. I can't use the treadmill coz running ain't exactly my favourite, and plus I didn't wanna put too much pressure on my knees. I also figured, a fully body workout is more effective than one where you're moving mainly your lower body.

I could feel my fats melting away as I worked it.

And I spent a total of twenty minutes on that machine! I had thought, I'll probably start cursing and swearing after just ten minutes, but it wasn't that bad. I think I could have gone further for a longer period of time on it, but I thought, since this is my first trip back to the gym after a long while, better not over-do it.

And after that, I used the weights machines...

One whole hour in the gym... I am so proud of myself.

And I'm going back again tomorrow morning :)

At my slimmest, I was a 38-28-39.

I still have that body figure... only the numbers are larger.

More prominent hourglass figure, come back to mama!!!

hahah goood for u!! :) too bad my uncle's gym doesn't have the step-up machine. UGH. seems like i hafta go to a PROPER gym.. *sigh*

ehh and WHEN R WE GG FOR SALSA????? tsktsk.
Yes of cos you may add me to your links. You are one of the rare few who actually take an effort to write the blogger and email to ask for request to link. Honestly speaking, I was pretty amused. But of cos you may. I dun have a say as well. All the best for your blog. Happy blogging~
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