Sunday, August 14, 2005


Keep your fingers crossed for me...

I'm going to be the very Shenton Way slut I swore as a child never ever ever to be when I grow up.

So where's your new workplace?

Oh, it's in Shenton Way

I have betrayed my beliefs and ideals...

I'm going to be walking down Shenton Way tomorrow, pants and all.... walking into an office whose business I'm not the least bit interested in...
I'm going to work there coz they've offered me an attractive salary.

Whatever happened to following your dreams, being willing to be a pauper if that'll mean you can be true to yourself etc?

Oh ya.... the bills, fees, study loans to tackle...

Adulthood really does burst many bubbles, no?

Dun get me wrong, I am grateful for this job... I really am... like I said, I need the money... and I am willing to give this job a try, coz who knows, it could just open doors I never dreamt existed.

I'm just in a whinning mood...

I miss politics.

All you fucking undergrads out there complaining about thick coursepacks, presentations and essays..... you better be grateful and treasure the numerous trips to the RBR desk while you still can.

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