Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Why can't parents just fuck off sometimes????

i am soooo bloody pissed off lah!

"we are just concerned and worried for you... for staying up late at night surfing the net."

what is your bloody problem? i spend god knows how many hours looking for jobs online, making amendments to my CV to suit each bloody job and then send them out... i dun go porn surfing and most times, i only chat to 1-2 person online, and they're friends, not sex perverts

for bloody sake, i am going to be 22 next month, that's TWENTY-TWO. so stop bossing me ard!

you were never there for me when i was young, you never bloody gave a damn about me. i could be in the toilet cutting myself with a razor blade and you all were just sitting out laughing over some stupid tv programme. you never cared... and since i'm all used to you not being in my life.. you can bloody well keep it that way and butt out!

all you want is this perfect daughter... the daughter who didn't embarrass you, didn't have to have you going down to the clinic and finding out that oh yes, your daughter had a bloody abortion. so what if i'm not the perfect christian daughter? so what if i refuse to go for some stupid youth ministry? so what if i have multiple piercings on my ears? i could bloody well go out and pierce my nipples and you can't do fuck about it. i'm sorry i'm not some blooody sweet, gentle, innocent virgin of a daughter. that's life, so screw it!

if you are not in surfing the net til 1-2am, so fuck it. if you like to sleep early, then you jolly well go do it on your own. i'm young, i like to stay up late, so fuck off.

stupid parental concern shit.

i so seriously want to break something now

i wanna move out... i so so so wanna move out. i was looking at the house ads just now... and fuck... i really want to move out.

I guess most jobless 21 year olds face similar problems. I have been hunting writing resumes and what not. They thought i was bumming around chatting with friends online.
The lack of communication perhaps. Instead of finding out what we'r doing, they choose to jump into conclusions.
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