Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Nature vs Nurture

Some asshole wrote in to the Today papers today...

And basically he said that:

1) Philandering is in the male's nature

2) Men are USED TO a higher degree of physical sexual expression
3) Since women after marriage and especially after having kids lose their sexual drive, the men, unable to stop nature, go out and be unfaithful.

4) We should do away with the concept of marriage because, unlike the past, man no longer needs to provide for today's empowered women.

5) Cohabitation should be the way to go now. Then, both parties can:
(a) negotiate the terms of their cohabitation in a contract
(b) terms could go "to the extent where each party may have an allowable number of affairs a year". (to accomodate man's nature of fucking around)

I, on the other hand, argue that:

1) Men are evil bastards.

2) Men have no control over their dicks coz they are evil bastards

3) Because men have no control over their dicks since they are evil bastards, men will break women's hearts.

4) If men are gonna stray, then they had better jolly well have the GUTS to admit that they stray coz they CHOOSE to stray, instead of simply making nature their SCAPEGOAT.


Well ok, so not all men are bastards.

But the point is this... if you wanna go cheat on your wife, then well, do it. But while nature may be an influencing factor, it is not THE factor.

At the end of the day, it all boils down the your individual personal CHOICE/DECISION.

I just got so pissed with his "it's in man's nature to fuck mah, so of course we will go fucking around lah!"

That's like me saying... "it's in my nature to cut men's balls off, so I go around cutting men's balls off lor! It's my nature, so you have no choice but to accept it lah! So please, men, line up and let me cut your balls off since I cannot control what nature has made me into."

Please lah... if you dare screw out, just say you screw around... dun be such a wimp.

I told someone once that while I may be upset, I won't be totally surprised if he 'cheats' on me coz (a) he's a male and men always screw around, and (b) men have this ability to separate emotions from sex.
But say he does 'cheat' on me... at least I know he wun tell me after it that he did it coz it's in his nature. He might say that oh well, she had the body of a sex goddess or something, but at the end of the day, it was about him deciding, 'oh ya well, since she's here before me, pussy's here, why not, i'll screw her', and not coz he's a lunatic with no control over his dick...

If I got married and my husband comes home one day and tells me:
1) I'm so sorry dear, but I had too much to drink, and she was there and so i slept with her.
- So he got drunk and was foolish.
--- I'll just divorce him and empty his bank account.

2) I met another woman who was fun, I liked her so I screwed her.
- So he's honest.
--- I'll just divorce him, empty his bank account and make sure I get the house too.

3) I saw some woman while out, and coz I cannot help my nature, of fucking to spread my seed, I screwed her... you must get used to it, coz it's in my nature.
---- I'll divorce him, empty his bank account, get the house, and hang him by his balls.

The guy who sent the letter in said, and I quote: "Is it time for women to expect less from their man? To realise and even to expect that their man cannot, by nature, only have one woman forever and ever?"

He just insulted ALL men by saying that males are weak beings.
You could have certain traits, but you can have control.

Oh, and he also said:"it seems the older a man gets, and the more he is confronted with his mortality, the more he desires to prove - both to himself and maybe even is friends - that he is still able to 'perform'".

So in other words... it's just his bloody insecurity and fragile ego that makes him want to screw around to prove to himself that he can screw.

Sigh.... this thing about it being man's nature to fuck around... let's just assume that it is really so, coz to debate it would be endless.

So there are men out there who will cheat on their wives... some wives cheat on their husbands... whatever rocks your bed.

Some prefer cohabitation to marriage.. whatever you feel more comfortable with.

But if you fucking wanna fuck around... then that is your CHOICE, not nature.
So have the guts to say it as it is.

I think you are missing something here.

It is natural for men to want multiple partners and spread their seed as far as it will go. The scientific evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of this fact.

And it is natural for women to not want this, because this means less investment in the woman and her children.

And it is up to the man to decide who he wants to listen to - either his dick (a perfectly natural urge) or the ethical dictates of society.

It's both nature AND choice.
to make ur day happier, this Ah Pek shall contribute to ur views on "Man" or rather "Bastards".I shall say that "man" itself are not born philanderous,i would like to attribute such behaviour to :1)not picking up the correct values in life, 2) to not having a quality relationship.Psychology is quantifiable,its just that the components are not denoted by numbers nor alphabets, but by scenerios or mindset.Since the evolution of mankind , nothing about human has changed, only the medium of expression has changed... paiseh.. Ah Pek old oreadi.. bery loh soh..hope this will make ur day ..tata
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