Wednesday, February 01, 2006


It's an honour...

I just noticed that I'm on the 'Worthy Reads' list of La Mason's site (or as he calls himself, Casanova)

I had stumbled upon his blog ages ago... it's one of those things which happen when you read one blog, randomly click on a link, read that blog, click on another link, and suddenly, you're in a blog you find interesting enough to put up as one of your own links.

I do not understand some of the things he does (like, fuck, why do you wanna screw other women when you've already got yourself a hot pussy??) but I just put it down as being one of those things about men which I will never understand. You can be the hottest babe in town, be totally devoted to your man, but there's no guarantee he'll stick to your pussy and your pussy alone.

And his blog is one of my regular reads coz well... I don't really know... he seems intelligent, I like the way he writes... and it's refreshing, the way he notes down his sexual encounters... not too demeaning towards women, and he doesn't write like a pervert - eg. "then i see her nei nei so big, and i squeeze, then suck, and then hor, i fuck her ah, fuck fuck fuck so hard ah!" (note: I'm using my imagination here; I don't go all out to find silly local sex blogs, but considering the local male's general lack of sexual skills, I'm assuming a local male sex blog will be something like that)

Anyway... where was I?

Oh ya, I was telling everyone how honoured I feel that someone's actually put me up as a link... do excuse me, I'm not a popular blogger, this is not something which happens everyday, so I'm gonna squeeze it for all it's worth.

I did notice that most of his links are to blogs with sexual themes... so does that mean that my blog qualifies as a 'sexual blog'?
I don't think so... I mean, most of the times the word 'fuck' appears in this blog, it's to express a pms-ly feeling of anger/frustation/sadness/etc. A sexual blog would be something like my other blog... but that one's R(A)

I just realised that this particular blog post doesn't seem to have much meaning...

Ya... I'm just bored... and totally dreading work later....

SG Fairy - you need to read more evolutionary theory if you want to understand how men work.

The purpose of a man's life is to spread his genes as far as they will take him. It is a biological imperative. The whole idea of "being faithful" is just a religious or cultural norm to restrain this desire, but it doesn't mean men would choose to do so naturally.

Women, by and large, do not have the capability to leave as many descendants as men. Hence, they shop around for a good mate who will look after and play a part in raising the child.

Fact: in any culture that has allowed men to spread their genes as far as possible, they have done so.. ie. concubines in China, mistresses in England, multiple wives in Islam.

This also explains why prostitution is the world's oldest (and relatively high-paying) profession: there will always be a demand for sex, because sex is the vehicle by which genes can be passed.

There is nothing "irrational" or "wrong" for a man to want multiple partners. It is biological instinct, plain and simple.
anonymous: your long list can be summarised into "Excuses for Guys to be Polygamous"

sg fairy: i also linked you up k..

Okay now, let's not go into the whole, 'is it nature or nurture that explains man's desire to fuck around?'

This is a debate which has no conclusion. For every person who argues that Mother Nature is the cause of it all, there will be someone else who'll then ask, "so does that mean that rape is not a crime?" As my anonymous commentator had started out saying in his comment, informing me that I "need to read more evolutionary theory if (I) want to understand how men work", all the various arguments have to back them up are theories. And theories are just, well, words.

I do not condone men who sleep around; like I said, I just don't totally understand why they would do that. In terms of finding an explanation for the 'why', I rejected the nature argument as I believe that while nature plays a small role, us humans are the ones who make the conscious decision to fuck whoever we want to fuck. Some men/women choose to go mono, some poly. Besides, I don't like the way the nature argument makes us women look like we have no sexual desires whatsoever, that we just sit around, spread our legs for men, get pregnant, then just care for our kids. Women can get horny too, you know.

So I just decided that as the 'why' isn't like a life-changing question, I'm not going to tear my hair out over it.... I just put it down to it being what makes men, men... just as pms maketh a woman.. lol

Of course, if you must know, I do not believe in evolution. But cheers to those who do, because at least they have a belief. Some people just go through life without a brain.

So one person makes his point, another person brings up another. We shall all listen politely to each other, and not go all out to commit murder. Ok?

And yes, thanks Jack, for linking me up too.
I think not just sex, men like jack, casanova and womanizer love women.

remember reading a book, writer say all men have a weakness for beautiful women. only that most don't do anything, some fantasy and masterbate, only few like womanizer fuck prostitutes. others like to but scare of disease and other things

the writer also say men's greatest pleasure is the deepest penitration in a vagina
I feel so obliged to make a comment.

Thank you for thinking I'm intelligent. I hope I am. But sometimes, given the stupid things I do, well, go figure.

Next. I have no idea I can spawn off a discussion on evolutionary theory! Ok, so being a womanizer and wanting to sow your wild oates is a cro-magnon way of living life, but actually, I am selective lor, so I don't just find the nearest pussy and shag her! (pardon my french)

But yes, I do love women, and I can't resist approaching beautiful women. Part of it is about my arrogant pride: because I know I can do it, I will do it, as if to reassert my alpha-maleness (whatever you call it). But make no mistake: I may be a flirt, but that doesn't me I'll disrespect a woman and make her do grotesque sexual acts. And somehow I have a 'radar' if you like to spot the closet nympho, the type as one of you pointed out, isn't afraid to show she wants to be satisfied sexually too, screw the 'forever and ever' shite.

Which brings me to why you were blog-listed. You're right: it's the f-word. LOL. But it shows you are a woman who's not afraid to speak her mind, and I like women like that. *wink*
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