Thursday, February 09, 2006


Shake your bom-bom...

How to make a woman happy? Flatter her. After having dragged yourself to work early in the morning, it feels good read a nice blog comment (at least it read like a nice comment to me). The day suddenly seems brighter.

I'm not going to talk about evolutionary theories and all that crap anymore coz they're all endless.

I am going to make one comment though, about the 'freedom of rights' drawings of the Prophet.

Why the F**K were you guys thinking when you published those pictures?!?!?!?!?

The Prophet depicted as a pig? I mean, if it was a nice saintly pic of him, one could still try to argue your way through on freedom/open-mindedness/avenue of discussion/etc. But nooo... they had to be downright insulting.

Haven't they watched Spiderman and his 'with great power (or freedom of speech) comes great responsibility'??

It's like printing cartoons of the Virgin Mary as a whore working the streets, or Jesus fucking a dog... downright disrespectful of others' religious beliefs.

Btw, before people blast me for being rude, let me annouce that I'm a Christian (yes I know, surprising, right?)
I just wanted to get the point across that it is totally totally, outrageous.

When it comes to something like this, I say screw freedom of the press.

Hmm... I am quite vulgar, so early in the morning....

*mental note to tone down language*

Oh, I am taking belly dancing lessons!

Had my first lesson at Arab St on Monday evening...
I suppose it can be very sensual... men have this thing about looking at women's butts shaking from side to side like coconut trees on a windy day... but it is a lot of hard work. I discovered muscles I never knew existed. Belly dancing is not so much just about shaking your hips... You really have to have lots of muscle control, to learn to isolate and move only one part of the body, for example. We spent more than half an hour just getting the hip swinging right. Don't laugh! You try move your hips in a figure of 8!

Lalala... can't wait for next lesson...

eheh so fun!! BO JIO!!

shucks - i think i better get started on my 'to do list'.. hmm let's see, there's :
1. practise rollerblading
2. pick up ballroom/social dancing
3. pick up some fitness program

shit and the list goes on! damn it.
Hello SG Fairy! Before I continue, I just want to say I love hearing about your views, I think your blog is great, and that I hope you will one day find the right job and guy and be happy.

I have decided to come out of hiding; I was the guy who started the evolutionary theory comment. You may remember me because I have left comments here before. In any case, I know now that I am not going to change anyone's point of view in a few short paragraphs, so no point going on with evolution.

But I have a point to make about the cartoons! The one of the pig - it was not drawn by the Danes. It was created and leaked to the masses by the radical Islamists, who are just trying to stir up hate against the West and create more trouble.

It's complicated out there.
Quite true, the Danes had 12 cartoons done, local Imams took offence and failing to get a government appology took the cartoons on a tour of M East.
However thy took 14 (or 16) the original 12 and several more: the pig one, one of the prophet as a pedeophile, others...
Where they got the others from is a matter of conjecture.
In addition; the ban on images of the prophet is a recent invention - there is a famous Islamic Art collection in Edinburgh University library, it contains an illustrated Koran with several images of the prophet - it was done around 1356 ad
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