Friday, March 17, 2006


R(A) Movie, anyone?

Last day at old job was last friday.

Started new job just this monday.

Even though I'm working for Him, that doesn' mean that I sit around all day with my legs spread - some of you might be surprised to learn that I'm more than just being about pussy.

After reading xx's blogpost, I have decided: I wanna go Yangtze to watch movie. I did see this Yangtze movie title once while flipping through the papers... movie is called 'Womb Raider'... I know it sounds corny, but I am very curious about the storyline. I mean ya, the movies there are mainly just all about the sex scenes, but some attempt at a story plot would be nice.

Why do it? Well.. I'm above 21. The 'coming of age' isn't really useful for elections coz it's not like we're going to be doing much voting anyway. The age limit at clubs can be ignored if you have assets and I have the big boobs, and a low-cut top to boot.

So the only use for the 'above 21' thing, is to watch an R(A) show.... it's just for the experience you know... so you can tell people with pride, "I just not go Yangtze see girl leh!"

Or in my case, to see men... the naked man on screen, that is.

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